- Visual check: If you present symptoms, you should go to an emergency service. Visitors who present symptoms will not be allowed entry.
- Temperature: We will have infrared thermometers to carry out preventive temperature measurement.
- Alcohol Gel: We will have alcohol gel for residents and visitors at the entrance and exit of the establishment, ensuring its use.
- Distance: Administrators, residents and visitors must maintain a preventive distance of 1 meter between themselves at all times.
- Mask: We will require the mandatory use of masks for visitors. Residents must wear a mask when leaving the residence.
- Quick Test: If necessary, we will have quick tests for a value of $20,000 CLP
Security measures for all our residences:
- Frequent hand washing
- Avoid shaking hands
- Maintain social distance of one meter
- Avoid touching your face
- Sneeze with your forearm or a tissue
- Maintain ventilated environments
- Be alert to symptoms: fever above 37º, respiratory distress, muscle pain or headache
- In case of respiratory difficulty go to an emergency service